Villy Søvndal også på bloggen

Politikerne vælter over hinanden for tiden for at komme med på blog-vognen. I går gik partiformand Villy Søvndal fra SF så til blogtasterne med sit “Hello World” indlæg.

Set hos Morten “Wasab” søgning: Søvndal


  • Jonna Andersen

    19. november 2007

    Af Jonna Andersen den 11.19.07 16:34
    Hej Villy!

    Tillykke med et flot valg. Det er første gang jeg stemmer SF,
    men helt sikkert ikke sidste!!! Der er alt for mange, der bliver ramt af de store besparelser indenfor pleje/pasning… og det kan og vil du gøre noget ved.
    Jeg synes bare at psykisk syge er blevet glemt i valgkampen. Lukninger af døgnhuse og daghuse p.g.a. af besparelser, vil få katastrofale følger, da disse steder er uundværlige for syge, der har været indlagt på sygehus.

    Med venlig hilsen

    Jonna Andersen

  • Stefan Bøgh-Andersen

    19. november 2007

    Hej Jonna

    Dette er IKKE Villy Søvndals blog. Du bør følge linket i ovenstående blog-indlæg så når du frem til

    Faktisk har Villy også en blog ovre på Politikens Weblog

  • Peter Körkel

    12. marts 2008

    For at underbygge dine påstande om at , Dnmaerk så let kan risikere at gilde i humanismen.som jeg så ifjensynet en fra gruppen udtale som væren SF´s “adelsmærke” – sender jeg dig hermed en email, som jeg modtog i går:
    Prøv at tygge på den og mærk den dårlige smag af humanisme:

    Jeg bliver fotvivlet over at fornemme, hvor fattigt udviklingen tegner:

    Med bekymret hilsen fra Peter Körkel – Nordkildevej 7 – 3230 Græsted

    Disgrace for England !
    This week in England every memorial of the holocaust has been removed from the schools study programs, arguing that it hurts the Muslim population that denies the holocaust.
    That is a sign of an upcoming worldwide disaster, terrifying evidence of how easily countries can give in to anti-Semitism.
    It has been more than 60 years since the end of World War 2 in Europe.
    This email has been sent in order to create a chain of memory for those 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1900 catholic priests, that have been murdered, raped, burnt, starved to death, and humiliated by the Nazis.
    Now, more than ever, considering the efforts of Iran and others ‘ denying the Holocaust, it is most crucial to do whatever it takes to ensure that the world never forgets .
    This email should reach at least 40 million people in the world.
    Join us and become a link in the chain of memory for those who have past in the terrible events of the Holocaust. Help spread this email around the world so others may understand and help as well.
    Please send this message to at least 10 of your friends or contacts. Please do not delete this email; it only takes one minute to pass it on. Thank you for your efforts

  • Peter Körkel

    12. marts 2008

    Kære Villy:

    Min mor og jeg flytede til Dan mårk fordi Gestaop forfulgte min far vi måtte le ve under jorden indtil 1945.
    Jeg måtte ikke lege med andre børn endsige tale med nogle på grun af at jeg ikke kunne tale dansk og mit tyske sprog kunne røbe os:
    Med venlilig hilsen
    Peter Körkel nordkildejej 7 – 32 Græsted.


    Disgrace for England !
    This week in England every memorial of the holocaust has been removed from the schools study programs, arguing that it hurts the Muslim population that denies the holocaust.
    That is a sign of an upcoming worldwide disaster, terrifying evidence of how easily countries can give in to anti-Semitism.
    It has been more than 60 years since the end of World War 2 in Europe.
    This email has been sent in order to create a chain of memory for those 6 million Jews, 20 million Russians, 10 million Christians, and 1900 catholic priests, that have been murdered, raped, burnt, starved to death, and humiliated by the Nazis.
    Now, more than ever, considering the efforts of Iran and others ‘ denying the Holocaust, it is most crucial to do whatever it takes to ensure that the world never forgets .
    This email should reach at least 40 million people in the world.
    Join us and become a link in the chain of memory for those who have past in the terrible events of the Holocaust. Help spread this email around the world so others may understand and help as well.
    Please send this message to at least 10 of your friends or contacts. Please do not delete this email; it only takes one minute to pass it on. Thank you for your efforts

  • Jens Ulrik Lange

    12. marts 2008

    Hej Peter,

    Dette er stadig ikke Villy Søvndals blog, så chancerne for at han læser dit indlæg er nok størst hvis du kommenterer på hans egen weblog, som er på adressen

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