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Med Israel for fred - Danmark (@miffdk)
Med Israel for fred - Danmark (@miffdk)
Vi kan kun drømme om, at #Danmark eller #København ville gøre som New York og Rio de Janeiro. Æret være #ShiriBibas og #BibasBabies minde #BibasFamily 💔🕯️ Thank you #USA & #Brazil https://t.co/A3UnwfYPg4
Med Israel for fred - Danmark (@miffdk)
#Bibas #BibasFamily 💔 QT @JewishWarrior13 (Raylan Givens) The Bibas kids https://t.co/RlA0K3sY53
Med Israel for fred - Danmark (@miffdk)
DR's dækning af #BibasBabies skæbne i #Gaza er under al kritik! #BibasFamily https://t.co/oyWvNxpsIf
Med Israel for fred - Danmark (@miffdk)
- De seneste 24 timer vil blive husket som et af de mest ondskabsfulde og afstumpede kapitler i #Israel Palæstina konflikten, skriver @mrconfino #BibasFamily 💔 https://t.co/gaDqjjkWhW
Med Israel for fred - Danmark (@miffdk)
- I think #BibasFamily deserves a moment of silence before we move on to the others. They were kidnapped - a mother and babies were kidnapped, and Hams killed them. Our hearts are with them and we pray for them today. Thank you @amjadt25 QT @JewishWarrior13 (Raylan Givens) 🚨 The moving statement of Emirati commentator Amjad Taha at the IDCT Conference held yesterday in Abu Dhabi: "I think the Bibas family deserves a moment of silence before we move on to the others. The Bibas family was kidnapped - a mother and babies were kidnapped, and they (Hams) killed them. Our hearts are with them and we pray for them today."