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Kim Madsen (@comp4dev)
Benn Q. Holm (@bennqholm)
Kim Madsen (@comp4dev)
@TheMarcitect Honestly... get a grip of realities. You are an embarrassment to the slavic people. GTFO of #Ukraine #Russia
Benn Q. Holm (@bennqholm)
RT @richardbranson (Richard Branson): (1/3) “Give up your nuclear weapons (to us) and in return, we will guarantee to respect your sovereignty, your independence, and your borders.” So said #Russia to #Ukraine in 1994. https://t.co/63eg5rSx7j
Kim Madsen (@comp4dev)
@WarClandestine The fact that Putin is suppressing anything remotely looking like critique and putting people in prison for blank papers and USD 25 donations, proves that Putin and all his cronies like you, are absolutely guilty on all accounts regarding Ukraine. GTFO of #Ukraine #Russia